PBA Centenary Celebrations 2007

Congratulations Gordon McGregor Kinnoull Bowling Club on attaining all three Singles titles over a space of 36 years

The Andrew Hamilton Trophy
PBA v Highland
at MacDuff BC
27th May 2023
Unfortunately there was a delay in serving the meal after the match. The President Gary Turpie and his trusty 3rd Stephen Bodle took matters into their own hands, put on their pinnies and rolled out the sweet trolley.
The never to be repeated evidence opposite shows the President in an inspiring mood.

Darren Burnett
A two-times Commonwealth gold medallist and five-times world champion at indoor and outdoor bowls has retired from Outdoor International Bowls. He said at the Andrew Hamilton Trophy match Angus BA v Perthsire BA, he was priviledged to be able to play so long and he didnt intend to give up bowling in the near future.
Perthshire BA won the match played at Monifieth BC by 16