Northern Section Cup 2024 (formally AHT)


26/02/24  Andrew Hamilton Trophy update

Bowls Scotland and the newly formed Scottish Cities and Counties Bowling Association (SCCBA) have been working together during the off season to agree on a way forward to secure the continued success of the Andrew Hamilton Trophy. We are pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached that will see the county associations compete for the Andrew Hamilton Trophy via the SCCBA organised Inter County Championships. Both organisations recognise the importance in protecting the integrity and history of the Championships through maximising participation.

Moving forward and in line with our partnership agreement, Bowls Scotland will remain custodians of the Trophy with the SCCBA assuming operational responsibility for the organisation of the tournament.

We look forward to a successful event and wish all the players who have the honour of representing their counties our best wishes for this year’s Championships.

There will be 2 trials before the start of the competition.

28th April at Blairgowrie 2pm and

5th May at Abbeyview 2pm. 

Home games 2pm Start

18th May v Bon Accord @ Blairgowrie BC

1st June v Highland @ Rattray BC

6th July v Angus @ Kinnoull BC

Away games 2pm Start

11th May v Buchan @ Ellon BC    Now Cancelled

25th May  FREE

15th June v Aberdeen & Kincardine @ Pitmeddon BC

22nd June v City of Dundee @ Hillcrest BC

(Result, team, and team photo from photostream under photo archives)

The PBA qualified for a Quarter Final place against Glasgow at Coatbridge Victoria BC on 13th July 2pm. The result was Glasgow 125 PBA 102  Photos placed in Archive.